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Break & Enter

Break & Enter

If you discover your house or your property has been broken into and your valuables gone.

Under the section 348(1), Everyone who

  1. Breaks and enters a place with intent to commit an indictable offence therein,
  2. Breaks and enters a place and commits an indictable offence therein, or
  3. Breaks out of a place aftersome text
    1. Committing an indictable offence therein, or 
    2. Entering the place with intent to commit an indictable offence

What you should do:

  • If the suspect is still on the property or the crime happened within the last 15 minutes.some text
    • Call 911 immediately
    • Follow the 911 call taker’s instructions
  • If the suspect is gone, and it has been more than 15 minutes since the break-in happened.some text
    • Please report the crime through the non-emergency line of your local police agency.
    • Refer to non-emergency line contact (
  • More information regarding break and enter, please refer to VPD break & enter.
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