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Suspected Drug Lab

Clandestine chemical labs refers to a secret or concealed location where criminals produce or prepare synthetic drugs (RCMP, 2024). They are capable of producing large quantities of methamphetamines or MDMA, commonly referred to as Ecstasy. They often involve chemicals and solvents that are highly flammable and explosive when mixed together (VPD, 2024).

Labs can be found in a variety of locations such as homes, garages, warehouses, apartments, motor homes, motel or hotel rooms, etc.

Things to look for (VPD, 2024)

  • Suspicious activities that may indicate a lab or the beginning of a lab:some text
    • Dumping of a large amount of chemical containers, normally will al labels torn off.
    • Purchase and storage of a number of chemicals, road flares or pseudo ephedrine products.
    • Night time activity around the residence.
    • Chemical smells, similar to urine for meth and saffarole (licorice) for Estasy.
    • Excessive staining on windows.
  • Often people have been inside a lab without recognizing it. Look for:some text
    • Red stains on counter tops, bathtubs or sinks (this is caused by the heating of the red phosphorous).
    • Stained coffee filters.
    • Commercial chemical glassware.
    • Chemical smells

What should I do if I discover a drug lab?

DO NOT touch, turn off or move anything. Leave the site immediately and call 9-1-1. It is extremely important you remain available to speak with attending police members

What can I do if I SUSPECT a drug lab?

Contact the local police agency through non-emergency line. If you want to remain anonymous, you could submit a tip online through Crime Stoppers website or call the Crime stoppers report line at 1-800-222-8477

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