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General Safety Tips

Here are some general tips to keep yourselves safe:

General Safety and Awareness

  • Stick to well-lit streets, stay in the middle of the sidewalk, and steer clear of alleyways.
  • Stay alert, walk confidently, and appear assertive—attackers are more likely to target individuals who seem uncertain or fearful.
  • Exercise extra caution around shadowy doorways, shrubbery, or areas where someone could hide.
  • If walking alone makes you uneasy, try to find someone you know to accompany you or plan your route along busy streets with plenty of people around.

Personal Belongings and Money Handling

  • Keep cash and valuables in a front or inside pocket, and reconsider carrying a purse or bag.
  • When giving spare change, avoid pulling out your wallet or opening your purse; use change from your pocket instead.

Communication and Emergency Actions

  • If you have a cell phone, bring it with you all the time.
  • If you suspect someone is following you, call 9-1-1 immediately and seek the nearest safe location.
  • If you believe a car is following you, quickly make a u-turn, call 9-1-1, take note of the driver and license plate, and continue walking in the opposite direction.
  • If verbally harassed, refrain from responding, keep walking, and call 9-1-1 if you feel your safety is at risk.

Self-Defense and Personal Security Tools

  • Carry a whistle or personal safety alarm to alert others if you need assistance.
  • Avoid carrying weapons for self-defence as it can escalate the situation and increase the risk of harm.

For more information, please refer to VPD personal safety and VPD senior safety

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